Meet Kelly and Craig

Kelly and Craig Photography are a husband and wife team who in 2024 will celebrate 5 years married and in business together.  Kelly has been in the industry for 25 years and Craig for 15.  The two balance each other out creatively and work effortlessly side by side during sessions and wedding days. Craig has a wonderful eye for detail and standing at 6’2, he also has a viewpoint that Kelly can only dream of achieving, (without a ladder of course). Kelly has a natural ability to keep children and their families laughing and smiling throughout the entire session. Craig will often refer to her as the “kid whisperer”.   

As committed photographers, our clients’ images are given the attention they deserve. Together we construct the concept, location, and wardrobe to produce an end result that will be treasured for generations.

We all have a story to tell, our job is to capture it.

Kelly has had a camera in her hand from a very young age. She originally anticipated a career in education and studied art education at Kutztown University. There she quickly learned her love of creating with a camera could not be tamed.  After years of working and creating on her own, she is thrilled to have her husband Craig by her side.

Craig is a New Jersey native who studied the trade of manufacturing and machining. His attentive eye and love of detail certainly carry over into his photography skills. He is always looking to find the perfect light, frame his subjects beautifully in-camera, and create wedding day prep detail images to swoon over.  

Collectively they have ventured into the Art world. Together they create pieces inspired by their coastal surroundings. Their images feature the ocean, scenes along the coast and iconic spots in shore towns such as Brigantine Beach and OCNJ. Kelly graphically re-designs these images to create pop art posters featuring these iconic spots. You can find Kelly and Craig at The Brigantine Farmers Market, and in Bucks County at M&H Custom Framing and Gallery. In addition to shopping with them in person you can easily shop from the comfort of your home using their “Shop” tab.

We know our story is in the early chapters, and as the plot develops, we are excited to have you going on this journey with us.

Work with us.

men's outdoor black and white headshot

Craig enjoys a good chocolate cake, roasted golden beets, and a solid eighties club mix. To see more

about Craig follow him here.

Women's outdoor headshot black and white

Kelly loves all things chocolate, the ocean, and good pair of overalls. To see more of what Kelly loves follow her along here.